Friday, June 15, 2007

A few minutes to breathe

Hey guys...sorry I haven't updated in a while. Finals were a beast! I prevailed over them though! Yes...

So summer's...well summer's not exactly feeling like summer. It doesn't feel "free", at least not yet.
I guess some of this is due to the fact that I'm at wit's end...I'm almost completely losing my mind here. My grandma, who has Alheizmers, is really making life hard for me right now. Her constant forgetting of things, short temper, and overall annoying comments are constantly badgering and testing my patience...sometimes I truly just want to lock myself in a room, plug my ears, and never come out. However...something is telling me that this is on purpose. This is one of God's tests for me, I suppose. Perhaps, He's testing me to be persevere in times of trouble. I'll never know if I don't calm down and take a few minutes to breathe. It's extremely hard for me to do this...since I've got the same short temper as the rest of my family...but if I "press on toward the goal", I will gain something more important in the long run than some moments of time to myself.

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