Thursday, August 21, 2008

Total Truth. A burden and a gift.

With the end of summer comes the dread of almost every procrastinating young adult. Finishing summer homework. For my junior year, I am taking AP Language and Composition. Basically How to Write Good class. We are required to read "Total Truth." A book that I've never heard of before this summer. Yet, now I've wondered why I haven't stumbled upon this little book. Though the opening chapters are brutal to read with eloquently written and illustrations that almost reach on par with John Piper's "God is the Gospel" (INSIDE JOKE WITH GUYS D-GROUP), if one keeps on truckin, the book is a little delight to read. It questions whether "Christianity have a legitimate role to play in the public realm of politics, business, law, and education?" Is God even a part of public discussions anymore? The author dives into these questions. In this day in age of postmodernism and relativism and "Oh, everyone's views are right, it doesn't matter, we're all headed in the same direction-ism," this book was a delight to read and I would recommend it wholeheartedly if you want to build a Christian worldview in everything and have Christianity become Total in your life.

Haha. It's good.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Well as I stumbled on YouTube, I find the most interesting and funny videos.

And this is one of them.

The song is about a monk begging the scholar to come with him on a journey for a special item. It's just plain brilliant how he goes from english to cantonese. and its quite shocking how the randomness ensues. enjoy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Wow...I'm totally doing a horrible job with updating my blog.


Anyways, I wanted to post a little rant. For you people out there that use smiley faces, I wanted to say two things. One the following is NOT a smile. I REPEAT. IT IS NOT A SMILE. ") How could that possibly be depicted as a smile? No one can smile like that! Its like a half smile! Its like if Rocky Balboa smacked a kid in the face, and one side was permanately bruised so the kid had to smile like that.

Second. Why the heck do you not put a space AFTER your smile? I'm sitting here, texting with people, and I'll get a text message saying "you make me smile:)" Uh...did we forget proper grammer? You don't need an actual smile to be merged into the word. It's annoying and looks horrible. Youdon'twriteanentiresentencelikethis! Why would it be any different from adding a smile?

Monday, August 11, 2008


So yesterday, a couple of my friends were in a pool and we decided to have some "bonding" time. We gave each other gully mulleys. If you don't know what that is, you clench your fist and rub it with the "points" made when you fold your fingers onto a guy's sternum. It hurts but also tickles creating a unique feeling.

And it leaves marks on the guy's sternum. I just don't have any because I wasn't in a prolonged battle with someone, and (supposedly) I have more padding on it. Regardless, it hurts.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Those two stanzas of Amazing Grace that no one knows.

"Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who call’d me here below,
Will be forever mine."

You know those two stanzas of Amazing Grace that no one knows? would be those up there. I must is a shame that not many people know these last two stanzas. They are truly peaceful. "I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace." How many of us long for that? Joy and peace. "But God, who call'd me here below, Will be forever mine." This earth and all of its so called comforts will be gone. But God is eternal.

I long for the day where I too shall possess "A life of joy and peace."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Little rants

One thing I'll never understand is how little things will always affect your daily lives?

For example, I need to clip some fingernails but guess what? There's no nail clippers in the house.

You go camping and you don't have a pillow...ruins your sleep.

You have a burrito. And no salsa.

Yeah I have no idea why it affects your life so.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Joe Jonas Moon Chair

Okay this is getting ridiculous. A Camp Rock moon chair with Joe Jonas' likeness on it. First off...its kinda creepy having Joe Jonas stare at you. ON a chair. Well unless you dig that sort of thing. Unless you're 12 and younger. Or a couple select girls from high school...

Anyways, here's the pic. Found it at target.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life thus far.

Well, haven't posted here in almost a year. This is a problem. :\

I will begin to start posting a blog daily. Just so I remember what happens to me.

Lots of things has happened since I last posted.

-I'm a Junior in High School now!
-My braces are off! (7 years :D)
-I participated in my church's basketball camp and rediscovered why I like basketball - its fun.
-Working on a sermon. My first sermon. Its quite exciting.
-And finally, a couple of my best friends are gone on a mission trip to Northern Ireland. I miss them dearly already. They left early Wednesday morning.

So that's whats up with my life right now.


Oh yeah. One of my long life friends is getting MARRIED today. Getting hitched. Yeah! Pretty intense. I'll take pics and post them.