Friday, January 2, 2009


The New Year has finally come. As with every new year, resolutions are made. Resolutions to be more fit, to get a better job, to be more generous, and to spend more time with family. However, new year's resolutions have a reputation of being abandoned. So, what's the point of making a resolution, right?

Well, I myself have made a set of resolutions which I hope to keep for the rest of my life, much like
Jonathan Edwards did. He made these goals throughout his life and sought to keep them as to become more and more of a person after God's own heart.

So the following is a list of resolutions that I've made from past years to the last week.

  1. I have resolved to remember, with all of my heart and will, to try to give glory the God in everything that I do.
  2. I have resolved to fill my time with much profitable things.
  3. I have resolved to become a healthier person with the body that God has given me.
  4. I have resolved to not become completely calloused to sin to where I will not be bothered by my sin, or the sin of others.
  5. I have resolved to appreciate the world around me and remember that Heaven will be infinitely better.
  6. I have resolved to always think. Nuff said.

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